Why Is Keymod So Common in Airsoft

Why Is Keymod So Common in Airsoft

Nowadays hardly anyone tin can imagine his replica without any accessories or aiming devices. Without the red dot, flashlight or fifty-fifty the simpliest front grip gun looks strange, when comparison to the total-delta-operator-devsix carbines of other players. It creates a pressure to put something on your replica too. This requires a mounting organization and there are few of them bachelor on the market, particularly for the AR family unit. What are the differences between them, which ane is the best? After reading this article you'll guess it by yourself.


 Runway Interface System/ Rail Accompaniment Organisation is currently the most common mounting organisation for the gun accessories. Its construction is very uncomplicated - "the ladders" are cutting in the material and the mounting screws get through them and the accessory, keeping information technology tight with the carbine. There are as well QD (quick disengagement) mounts that can exist mounted and dismounted very rapidly, with a pull of a unmarried lever. The track itself frequently have number markings, which makes the organizing of accessories a lot easier during the cleaning and storage of the gun.

The biggest pro of the rail is their mutual occurrence on the market and full compatibility - the RIS standard is a solid thing. It is likewise worth to mention, that currently, most aftermarket accessories have the RIS mount in the package. You tin almost get everything y'all want and it will be uniform with your track arrangement. However, the RIS is non a flawless system. It'southward non that cheap to produce, it's heavy and bulky, and the abrupt texture of the ladders tin can be unpleasant to the user.


Currently, it's probably the most popular mounting system on the marketplace, especially on the civilian i. It has been projected and produced at starting time by the VLTOR. The fancy proper name comes from the shape of holes that are cut in the surface - they expect like pocket-sized keys. The mounting process is pretty simple - you lot match the key into the keyhole and rotate information technology inside the handle to brand it fit securely.

I of the well-nigh meaning characteristics of the KeyMod system is its reduced weight when comparison to the standard RIS. The lower weight drastically increases the mobility of the gun and prevents a user from fast exhaustion. The KeyMod handguards are flat and very smooth, thanks to no elements standing out - they are comfortable even without whatsoever accessories. When information technology comes to the popularity of parts, the KeyMod is a dainty compromise between the old RIS and new to the marketplace Grand-Lok. Y'all won't become everything you want uniform with the KeyMod, simply lots of well-nigh popular parts have the KeyMod mounts that can exist bought separately. Notwithstanding, you must be aware that there are currently two KeyMod systems available on the market: the mil-spec and airsoft-spec. The second one doesn't take a modest hook under the holes, which makes some of the original KeyMod accessories incompatible and vice versa.

1000-Lok System

The M-Lok is a fresh new affair on the market and is made by designers from Magpul. It is almost probably the response for KeyMod organisation. Instead of the keyholes, it has a long, rectangular shapes cut on the surface. The mounting technique is similar to the KeyMod one.

What's interesting, is that the USSOCOM test has shown that M-Lok is a more reliable and accurate system than the KeyMod. It is likewise worth to observe that Yard-Lok producing process is cheaper and allows the usage of polymer materials, which increases the highly demanded weight loss fifty-fifty more.


Paweł "Fishbonee" Napieralski

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Why Is Keymod So Common in Airsoft

Posted by: virgensuffected1979.blogspot.com

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